Friendship ties deepen between Jordan and China

The 69th anniversary of the Republic founding

Friendship ties deepen between Jordan and China

Increased trade exchange and the preparation of Chinese tourists

There are no direct flights between the two countries

"Dragon Mall" brought China to every Jordanian home

Alanbat - Amman - Alaa Allan 


China will celebrate the 69th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in October, where Chinese embassies will be held around the world to celebrate the occasion,Including the Chinese embassy in Jordan, which plans to hold a huge ceremony on that occasion with the participation of a number of officials and public figures and media. Jordanian-Chinese relations have witnessed remarkable development in recent years as China has provided economic support to Jordan,In addition to the official visits exchanged between officials and rapprochement in political positions with many important regional issues including the Palestinian issue, the Syrian crisis and others,China believes in the two-state solution, Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine and the Hashemite trusteeship of the Islamic and Christian holy sites in the holy city of Jerusalem, and believes in the need for a political solution that preserves Syria's unity.

The economic relations between the two countries China is considered as a second largest strategic partner to Jordan and the largest importer of Jordanian potash, where importing more than 600 thousand tons annually,its also considered as the investor, financier and founder of AlAtarat for electricity generation project is considered as the direct burning of shale oil. The amount of Chinese financing reached 1.6 billion dollars.

China has also established the Chinese Dragon Mall in Amman and supported the rehabilitation of the water network in Rusaifeh for support of about one million and 800 thousand dinars. Recently, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply, Dr. Tarek Hamouri, Which demonstrates the confidence of Chinese companies in the Jordanian market.

In economic cooperation as mentioned above, China is Jordan's second largest trading partner after the United States and the largest exporter of imports. In 2016 bilateral trade between the two countries reached three billion one hundred and seventy million US dollars, a 75-fold increase over 1980.

On the tourist side, Jordan is one of the most famous tourist destinations of China, and the number of Chinese tourists arriving in Jordan continues to increase despite the absence of direct flights between the two countries. In 2016, the number of Chinese tourists in Jordan reached about 37,000 tourists, up 60% compared to 2015, This indicates the potential strength of cooperation in tourism is very large.


  Due to the size of the Chinese market in the global economy, China accounts for about 12% of the global economy. China's GDP is about $ 11 trillion, with world output reaching $ 79-80 trillion. Jordan is preparing to host the next session of the Arab-China Cooperation Forum, which was hosted by Beijing last July. Al-Anbat participated in covering the work of the forum, which praised the Hashemite trusteeship of holy sites and provided financial support to Jordan for hosting Syrian refugees.He stressed the importance of strengthening the ties of relations between China and the Arab countries and revitalizing the Silk Road (the Belt and Road Initiative).

The Chinese people are widely celebrating the nation's main national day, the founding day of the People's Republic of China,Traditionally, the celebrations began on October 1, 1949, with the national flag being hoisted in Tiananmen Square, where President Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People's Republic of China.

The flag-raising ceremony was organized at exactly the same time as the sunrise, and the flag was raised exactly at 6:05 local time. The military honor guard brought the flag to the square on the sounds of national songs - a red flag with five golden stars,he came to see the ceremony at that time, which lasted two minutes and six seconds, was about 115,000 people.

It begins with the founding day of the People's Republic of China in the country, the so-called "Golden Week", during which hundreds of thousands of Chinese people travel all over the country and around the world.

It is noteworthy that Jordan and the People's Republic of China celebrated last year 2017 the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries,Today, in conjunction with the 69th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Jordanian-Chinese relations enter its forty-first year. "

Translated by : Diana Hilal