Fingers of accusation heading towards ISIS 

An official popular stand against terrorism and support for the army and security

 Fingers of accusation heading towards ISIS 

Coqaza : I wish to witness the path of my son 

Al Razaz threatens the terrorists and stresses on the support of the security services

Al Tarawneh : Terror will not get our country 

ALANBAT-Qusai Adham


Although it doesn’t look like terrorist organization ISIS attack for the use of makeshift bomb and the individuality of the goal, however the fingers of accusations headed towards the well-known criminal organization ISIS by being behind the Fuheis explosion that targeted a gendarmerie vehicle, and the accident caused the martyrdom of one of the gendarmerie and other injured from the General Security Service. What’s known about ISIS organization is the brutal attack and the multiplicity of goals, and that does not exist in the Fuheis incident, although the military expert Mamoun Abu Nawar frankly noted that ISIS organization is behind this cowardly terrorist work, and he assured that Jordan still has hidden ISIS cells that are looking for a chance to release its toxins into the Kingdom security, and the current circumstances allow having these kind of cells. He added that the terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq is not yet defeated but their spine has been removed, and the reasons for their existence are available, the thing that might increase the chance of the return of some of them to Jordan. Abu Nawar expected that the scene is not individual, but it is organized and it follows the leadership of the people behind the curtains, referring to the type of the goal that is the security services prove this option. Security information is still a bit mysterious even if it was admitted that the accident is a terrorist work, which opens the door of questions about the authority that stands behind it, especially that it was done in a sensitive spot since the majority are Christians in the city as well as Fuheis festival event, the second biggest festival in Jordan meaning that the message is for the Jordanian security. Perhaps it came from hidden cells or a single wolf by external orientations, resorted as usual to a relatively loose security side, and the first report refers to planting the explosive device in the usual gendarmerie parking place. The official reactions are confident, and the King visited the terrorist accident injured people, whereas the Prime Minister visited the gendarmerie department, and he announced during it Jordan standing in the war camp against the terrorism and its extremist organizations, Al Razaz declarations came with the presence of leaders of gendarmerie service, the police, and Minister of the Interior, to promote the culture of war against the terrorism and prosecuting the perpetrators.  Popularly the reactions were beyond anger and grief, and it was started by the father of the martyr Ali Coqaza with his wish to witness the path of his son, whereas the social media sites carried all expressions of conviction for the terrorist work and support for the security services, army and gendarmerie. The Speaker of Parliament Atef Al Tarawneh said that the hand of betrayal and terrorism would not get our country and Jordan will stay strong with its leadership, army, security services, and people against the black terrorism and its coward pack. Al Tarawneh added on Twitter website : “Mercy is for the resting soul of the brave martyr Ali Coqaza for sparing his life while defending our country and peace is for his brave companions, and shame on the unholy aggressor”. The national movement party also released a statement in which he condemned with the strongest terms the terrorist brutal assault that the gendarmerie been through, and the statement assured the necessity or revealing the truth about what happened prosecuting the criminal terrorists and who stands behind them to be punished, stressing on the necessity of providing all the support and potentials for our Arab army and for the security services so that they could do their duty to protect the country. Translated by : Yasmeen AbuBaker