AlAnbat reveals a gap in Facebook “threaten” the users privacy 

The journalist khanfar refused to reveal about the hacking details in public 

 amman- AlAnbat 


The journalist which specializes in technology was able to reveal a gap on the social media site “Facebook “ with the ability to open old accounts on Facebook and see all the privacies that related to the account holder , and the gap which is revealed by jumana khanfar  who’s working

at AlAnbat newspaper threaten the security and safety data of the Facebook user and jeopardize their personal lives to the risk of extortion or illegal use to their privacy like informations , pictures , and etcetera . 

Khanfar tried what she reveals many times with different old accounts on Facebook, during that time, she saws details that no one should be aware of other than the account holder himself.

Khanfar said she kept the way in which penetrated accounts could be accessed, so that no one would try to try and learn about the privacy of others and violate them illegally.

"And she added to AlAnbat That she is ready to reveal the way to the competent authorities and Facebook officials only to address the security gap in the account of widespread fame and use around the world.


She pointed out that there are many officials and celebrities and public figures, turn to the closure of accounts for one reason or another, whether for temporary or permanent, and therefore are vulnerable to the violation of their privacy by anyone who reaches that gap.

Khanfar advised Facebook users to eliminate the content and images on their accounts before canceling them, saying that the deletion of the private content on the "messenger " can be removed via the options icon on the desktop, and then select the deletion box as well you can also get rid of the content by pressing and holding down the conversation and then choosing the Delete option on the massenger on the mobile phone 

Facebook website suffered from security gaps through the past years and the company owner of the blue sign was working in a continues way on resolving what gaps can be found .


Accessing others accounts and looking at their privacies or using them without permission is considered as a crime that is punishable by the low , and the low of electronic crimes in Jordan says in the article 3-A that ( every person access any website or information system in any way without authorization or any other way is punished by impres for a period not less than a week and not more than 3 months Or with a fine not less than 100 dinars and not more than 200 dinars or by these both punishments 

Whereas article b states that “the access that was mentioned in paragraph A from this article was for the aim of canceling, deletion, adding , destruction, revealing , blocking , modification, changing , moving or copying information, disabling system work , changing a website or canceling it , destroying it , modification of its contents, impersonating it or its owner , the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment for a period that is not less than 3 months and not more than a year or with a fine that is not less than 200 Dinars and not more than 1000 Dinars or by these two punishments Its mentioned that Facebook website has been through “ a crisis of betrayal “ last march , after a political consulting company obtained informations of 50 million users and mark zokerber the founder of facebook apologized to the british .

And Zuckerberg said that his company lost more than 50 billion dollars from its market value since the Frequency of allegations , said that Facebook will give the users more information and ability of controlling Who is entitled to access their data.

The company of mozzella and the german comertsbank hanged up ads on facebook website and the tag #delete_facebook from the internet has spread.

Translated by Diana Hilal