Al-Mulqi left the presidency and Majali asked Al-Tarawneh for the office 

Al-Mulqi left the presidency and Majali asked Al-Tarawneh for the office 


The talk of change enter the box of wit 


AlAnbat - furat 

Hani Al-Mulqi missed five days from his office in the Prime Minister and it was able to open the door of critical questions about the ability of Dr. Hani Al-Mulqi to complete his official duties, But the prime minister's direct action at the last cabinet meeting closed the door of questions, And reinvigorated to other sovereign centers that can be changed and replaced. The president has completed his treatment,purity and the return to his work.

The irony is that the man of the second government, who was waiting for the moment to crown the title according to the football vocabulary, Failed in the first confrontation with the House of Representatives and the clash with a professional deputy in the clash and confrontation and did not succeed the First Vice-President in the test of confrontation to control his nerves or overcome the clash, which ended with his apology to the Council after he was addressed by the deputy of the voice of whispering the usual from the province of Jerash "Mohammed Hdib" Moved the parliamentary turbines and forced him to apologize, specifically after a counter-attack led by Abdul Karim al-Daghmi and Khalil Attia 

The controversy of the government and its political age is still ongoing, despite the interaction of many with high leaks that speak of a change in the Royal Court after the return of the king from his own vacation. These leaks are reported by news of the current head of the SAI to travel to Germany for a surgical operation. Diverse between generals and politicians, The extent of the declaration of a ministerial personality Most governments have expressed the view that the minister is already in the position and position. Back to the government scenario and the life of the virtual, the talk a little eased but it is connected with the end of the second regular session of the Jordanian parliament and the harmony of talk about the approaching process of political exchange between the presidency of the Bureau and the Presidency of the Government,So that Tarawneh Fayez will go to the leadership of the Senate while Fayez Faisal will sit on the presidency if the government changes,This scenario has been promoted recently among the members of the political saloons and strange communication.

Talks of salons did not stop the departure of the government since the sitting of the chair on his seat, which gave the talk of the amendment more modern,As well as the talk of the departure of Fayez Tarawneh from the presidency of the Bureau for the benefit of General Hussein Majali, who telephoned Tarawneh when I will hand over the office,Apart from wit, the political cuisine is already busy with the details of the region and the scenarios put forward on the agenda of the Arab summit and the Syrian and Palestinian file, which raises the Jordanian readiness to interact with all the scenarios

Translated by Diana Hilal