Meeting of the Palestinian national council at the end of next April

Emphasizing on what Alanbat has published two days ago. 

 Pressures on Abbas to run for president and his insistence on resigning.

Election of a new executive committee, Hamas and Aljehad are not invited.

Punitive measures against Gaza and a new patch of retirees .

AlAnbat - Qusai Adham 


AlAnbat as it emphasized on its issue last Tuesday , the executive committee of the Palestinian liberation organization decided to invite the Palestinian national council 

To be held on the end of next April, specifically on the 30th  for the election of a new executive committee and identified the city of Ramallah as a meeting place to convene without inviting the Hamas and Islamic Jihad,Informed Palestinian sources from inside the Palestinian cabinet confirmed that President Mahmoud Abbas will announce during the meeting his resignation for health reasons and announce the date of presidential and legislative elections. Sources in the Ministry of the Interior confirmed this information due to the accelerated preparation for it.

The Executive Committee adopted during its meeting the President's vision for peace as presented to the UN Security Council on 20/2/2018, as a fixed Palestinian position and renewed its rejection of the decisions of President Trump,The recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the Israeli occupation state, and the transfer of the embassy of his country to it, and confirmed its insistence on a new international framework for the care of the peace process, as defined by the President in his vision before the Security Council.



The Executive Committee stressed the rejection of transitional and transitional solutions, the state with temporary borders, the dropping of the file of Jerusalem, refugees, borders and others, under any name, including what is promoted as a deal of the century, and other proposals aimed at changing the references of the peace process to circumvent international law and international legitimacy. 

The Executive Committee affirmed the continued activation of the request for the full membership of the State of Palestine in the United Nations until such time as this is achieved, and to work towards the international protection of the Palestinian people and the activation of international legal channels to confront the occupation, including the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice,And return to the United Nations General Assembly for follow-up.

And decided to ask the government to develop its vision to determine relations with the occupation authority (Israel) security, and economic, including proposals on the disengagement from economic dependence, and to submit to the Executive Committee no later than April. In order to enable the State of Palestine to exercise its sovereignty over its territory occupied by the June 1967 aggression. The Executive Committee stressed the continued implementation of the agreement to end the division, focusing on empowering the government and extending the authority to carry out its responsibilities fully.

 The reference to non-invitation of the Islamic Jihad and Hamas apparently followed by new punitive measures, as revealed by the Minister of Finance in the Authority Shukri Bishara that President Abbas instructed the Palestinian government to implement a new batch of procedures for the southern provinces,He has already started with deductions on military salaries on Monday. Bishara said the measures were ordered by President Abbas, because the government has not yet been able to fully discharge its responsibilities in the Gaza Strip, citing new pensions that will reach thousands of employees and a new package of sanctions To be implemented early next April .

Translated by Diana Hilal