Jordan is searching in Russia the causes of the fall of the Israeli plane 

Jordan is searching in Russia the causes of the fall of the Israeli plane 


Ignition to reduce tension or to press the northern border


Jordanian attempts to attract Russia to the Palestinian file as a partner 

Praise from the Syrian opposition which preceded the fall of the plane. Raises concerns of the kingdom 

The closed administration rooms turned the red light and different stories raised doubts 

AlAnbat: Qusai Adham 

Whether it was confirmed the fall of the Zionist plane into pieces on the Jordanian territories or the Syrian missile which fell in a part of the levant after the falling of the plane. The repercussions of its fall alarmed red lights in the closed Jordanian rooms that deal with the Syrian file at the security and military levels.

The falling of the plane came after a few days from the Syrian opposition’s statement that praised the region of lower tension in southern region especially the Jordanian role to come after that statement the news of the falling plane which points to fear and suspicion about the Zionist enemy that uses his tools today to offend Jordan after its firm position from the deal of the century and annexation of east Jerusalem.

Was this the right time to respond? Or this is the time that needed to reshuffling of the regional papers in a box that witnesses over sensibility and chronic infection? 

The Jordanian Russian summit will be on its agenda the region of lower tension and if the plane kept on roaming in the Syrian air space , would this be a Zionist step to raise the temperature of the south region and raise the tension on Jordan or is it just a passing accident that Syrian leadership detected it in order to raise its public stock, and if there was an impressionable that the attack was a response for an Iranians desire in raising the level of harassment in the United States through Israel? 

Pressing questions on Jordan awaits the Syrian responds from the Russian about the rule of interruption of the Syrian Jordanian dialogs at the political level, and if it continued on the security and military two-fronts, especially that a case of outburst struck the countries of the region to prove that the plane fell by publishing Zionist novel about the falling of the plane by an emergency technical failure? Which means the eligibility of the Jordanian concerns about what happens in the American Turkish firm to awaken the Jordanian role and distorting its success in managing most tensioned countries.

The Jordanian formal does not deny that it’s the first which asked for Russian interference in the Syrian crisis on the political level after Arab compass was all headed to  abort the political solution by supporting ((American Zion)) and Jordan had to create a case of balance that found it in Russia which the king flies to it after tomorrow to redraw the geopolitical map after Jordan listened to the American opinion which the American foreign minister(( Tillerson ))will move it  to the king Abdullah which seeks to inter Russia in the middle of the political operation on the Palestinian track to create the missing balance. The success of Jordan in attracting Russia to the basic Syrian field and its side effects may be copied or withdraw it on the Palestinian track.




Diana Hilal