طريقة فعّالة تزيد فرص الإقلاع عن التدخين نهائيا كيف ينظف النوم العميق الدماغ؟ الأرصاد : أجواء باردة نسبياً مع تحذير من الصقيع في البادية صباح الثلاثاء مؤتمر صحفي لرئيس وزراء قطر ظهر الثلاثاء لإعلان اتفاق التهدئة المباني الدبلوماسية الأردنية.. عبء مالي أم فرصة استراتيجية؟ الهيدروجين الأخضر والطاقة المتجددة.. حجز الزاوية لـ"الناقل الوطني" مطالبات بإعطاء الديوان صفة الضابطة العدلية الأردن الأقدر على الدخول في إعادة إعمار سورية التعريفة الجمركية الجديدة في حكومة تصريف الأعمال في سوريا: إيجابيات وسلبيات خرائط اليمين الصهيوني وغموض وعدم يقين من تحرير الشام العلوم السياسية .. نحن في واد آخر التاريخ لا يُنسى رغم الواقعية السياسية. مشروع التحديث السياسي: ضرورة الاستمرارية حسين الجغبير يكتب : كيف نجح حسان، وكيف سيستمر؟ المَرْكَز الوَطَنِي للأمْنِ وإدَارَةِ الأَزمَاتِ (12) أسماء 19 أسير من الأحكام العالية قدمتها حماس ضمن صفقة التهدئة البدور : ملامح تشكُّل مشروع عربي "سياسي" بدأ بسوريا وموازي للمشروع الاسرائيلي إدارة الإتصالات في الامن العام تعزز منظومتها في العام 24 بشبكة اتصالات لاسلكية رقميه تغطي 90 ‎%‎ من مساحة المملكة الفاعوري توقع خمس مذكرات تفاهم للتدريب والتشغيل ضمن نطاق "الطفيلة الصناعية" مسودة اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار في غزة، وفقاً لما نشرته هيئة البث العبرية

Orange Foundation and Norwegian Refugee Council Celebrate Graduates of Najahna Project at the Closing Ceremony

Orange Foundation and Norwegian Refugee Council Celebrate Graduates of Najahna Project at the Closing Ceremony
الأنباط -

Orange Foundation culminated its partnership with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) by celebrating the graduation of cohorts of digitally innovative participants who enrolled in the training programs conducted by the Coding School and the Fabrication Lab in Irbid, both implemented under the umbrella of Orange Digital Centers (ODC). This celebration took place at the closing ceremony of the "Najahna” project, jointly implemented by Orange and NRC with the sole purpose of reaching more participants and building their digital capabilities.

During the closing ceremony, held at the Innovation Hub at Orange Digital Village in Abdali, students consisting of Jordanian females and males in addition to Syrian refugees were celebrated upon completion of an intensive training program. Over the course of the training, they were able to build and enhance their skills in vital areas namely programming languages, digital innovation, and manufacturing using digital tools. After graduation, students are set to join the labor market or embark on an innovative journey. Thanks to efforts made by the students, the program’s results were nothing short of impressive with 53 projects revolving around innovative software solutions and prototypes.

On the sidelines of the closing ceremony, Orange Foundation extended its congratulations to the graduates as they are starting off their journey toward an empowered future. It also praised their role in employing digital tools and skills they acquired during the training to significantly contribute to the development process of their local communities. Orange expressed its pride in the partnership forged with the Norwegian Refugee Council as it offers an example to follow when it comes to joint efforts that enable females and males to achieve personal and professional excellence.

"NRC is proud of our partnership with Orange Jordan. Together, we’ve supported 53 Jordanian and Syrian young people to develop the digital skills needed in today's labor market, giving them the tools to contribute to Jordan’s economic growth. I congratulate today’s graduating students and look forward to seeing the progress of their innovative projects,” commented NRC Country Director, Amy Schmidt.


It is worth noting that the 10-month Digital Skills Development program was part of Najahna project, jointly implemented by Orange and the Norwegian Refugee Council, to foster the economic empowerment of females and males across the Kingdom.

For more information, please visit our website: www.orange.jo.

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